Personally, I am very excited to go, but sad to leave my wife back in the US. Cantus travels constantly throughout the year, so that part isn't new, but being so remote and largely unreachable is. My wife and I drove all over Germany and Austria this summer, so we were getting used to travelling together for a change. (We also had a six-day wild goose chase for our luggage accross three German cities! Once we were reunited with our bags, we realized that we were getting along fine without all that stuff anyway, and kicked ourselves for packing that much in the first place). However, instead of worrying about my bags this time, I've packed far less, and will be just carrying more staples in my backpack. As far as communication with home, hopefully we'll be able to find local calling cards...
Well, back to straightening up the apartment! The group will update this blog as often as possible--computer access in Cameroon can be scarce, but our dedicated crew of singers will all be at the ready to contribute a message or two. We look forward to keeping you apprised of all our trials and triumphs in Africa. -G